Hooked On Patterns Blog

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hooked on patterns blog

Adam Gonk Crochet Blog Hooked On PatternsHello, I’m Adam Gonk, the editor of this fine blog. I am a fictional character, once crocheted into existence, and now a full fledged entity.


The idea for this crochet blog is to cover crochet, arts and crafts, create tutorials, run our crochet pattern competition and to have fun with my stories. There’s a lot to do!

I have been with Hooked On Patterns for a few years now and, due to budget constrains, have held many roles. But, what most don’t know is how I was first discovered. It was in a supermarket, the frozen vegetable aisle.
I wasn’t posing or anything. I was stretching for the peas when I heard “You’ve got a wonderfully unique shape”. I took it the way it was meant.

​”I have been looking for a model for a monthly crochet action adventure”, added the person. Well, I had never thought of modelling, but who could pass on an offer like that? Needless to say, I took the job.

​I didn’t know much about crochet to start with. My only instruction for the series was “remember, it is a breach of contract if you lose any weight”.

I was weighed every day during the year that I worked on A Gonk’s Journey. Secretly I had lost a few pounds, but I would hide pouches of rice in my pockets to keep up the weight. It’s all forgiven now. 

Following on from the Journey (that is how I refer to it in my resume), I was given a short break and took the opportunity to look for another modelling/acting job elsewhere to expand my portfolio. I turned down the first offer my agent told me about, a weekly serial about Zombies. I didn’t want to lower myself to low budget TV. I held out, hoping for another leading role. After all, I was the star and inspiration of A Gonk’s Journey, if we had a theme tune, I would have written it myself. I didn’t receive anymore offers. Lucky I’m still on contract here at Hooked On Patterns. 

There was a bit of a break while they had discussions on which direction they wanted to take me in. I have been doing varied jobs in the meantime, including, but not limited to, making tea. A decision has now been made. I wouldn’t want to disclose too much here, but I’ll have to eat more. For now I am the editor and chief narrator of this blog. I also managed to negotiate that if musical chairs are played, I will be in control of the stop button.


As editor of this  crochet blog, I will be asking Pattern Designer, Ling Ryan, about her upcoming crochet patterns and about crochet in general. I will also find cool tips and tricks to share with you, keep you updated with the goings on at Hooked On Patterns, write about my next adventures, and there will be ways for you to get involved too.

Here is a little taster of what’s to come. I have asked Ling a quick question to get things going:


This Granny Square blanket is the first thing I ever crocheted. I never finished it. I got distracted by more interesting things to make instead. It’s been so long now, that this won’t even match the décor anymore. (Photo above). 

Please feel free to join in and ask a question. Pop it in a comment box below and, if we get enough of them, a selection will get answered in a blog post at the end of each month.

If you don’t have a question, you could just simply share a thought of your own in the comments.

Lastly, there will be a monthly competition to win crochet patterns! Just follow us on Facebook for details and updates.

We hope you enjoy the crochet blog.  Please help us by using the share buttons ~ thank you!

©​ Copyright L.Ryan, Hooked On Patterns.com

2 thoughts on “Hooked On Patterns Blog”

  1. I am so happy to see your blog. I am a fan of a Gonk’s Journey, and a big fan of Adam Gonk. I am looking forward to seeing more blogging! My very first crochet project was a turtle made over a small margarine tub, with dry beans inside to make it rattle. I was 17 years old, and taught myself with a book. I gave it to my firstborn son when he was born. I am now 62, and a grandma and great grandma. I’m retired now, and crochet often.

    • Thank you LuAnn! It’s nice to meet a fan. What a sweet story about your first crochet project, thank you for sharing it.
      I love how you used crochet to up-cycle a waste product! Clever, practical and environmentally friendly.

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