New Crochet Gonk Outfits – The Heroes

NEW CROCHET GONK OUTFITS – HEROES! In 1992, the NIMEGU company released, what would become their flag-ship franchise game, GONK HEROES (Full title, GONK HEROES: Working together to keep the world safe). Designed for their 16-bit Superior Nimegu Fun Console (abbreviated to SNFC), GONK HEROES was the highest selling home console video game that year. … Read more

The Making Of… Creating Media Content

After a flurry of activity, and a mini heat wave, things at Hooked On Patterns have settled down. During the quiet time, I began working on the all new Gonk crochet patterns soon to be released. I thought it would be interesting to provide a peek behind the curtain at the creative and development process … Read more

Crochet Blogging at Hooked On Patterns

A new website, designed to look like the old website. We have made significant change, which required a substantial effort, all to make it feel like nothing has changed. Welcome to the future. CROCHET BLOGGING AT HOOKED ON PATTERNS  Creating a new website is not the sort of topic that garners organic crochet blogging. Nobody … Read more

Crochet Pattern Examples

Our crochet pattern competition provides an opportunity to see our crochet patterns made up.  I would like to thank everyone who has taken part in our pattern giveaway competition. There are 2 winners this month. CONGRATULATIONS Kath H. for her Snuggle Monster.​ Kath made this as a Xmas gift for her daughter, and to keep … Read more